The gas fired condensing boiler Vitodens 111-W is ideal for a flat or small family home, as well as larger properties with high hot water demand, restaurants, hairdressers and other SMEs. It can easily be sited in an alcove in the bathroom, kitchen or utility room.
Being a Combi Boiler means you don’t need a hot water storage tank/cylinder in your house. This boiler gives you instantaneous hot water, keeping 46 litres constantly heated and heating any additional water as it is needed. And also means you can run your central heating at a low temperature, which will give you a more comfortable home.
The Vitodens 111-W DHW storage combi, offers the highest draw-off rate amongst wall mounted appliances, and a constant outlet temperature. For this purpose, a stainless steel primary store with 46 litres capacity, and an electronic outlet temperature controller are integrated.
The Cylinder Loading System (CLS) ensures a continuous supply of hot water on demand. A standard bath (140 litres), for instance, fills in around 8 minutes, with a quick heat recovery of less than 5 minutes. A shower fitting, a kitchen sink or a washbasin, for example, can also be supplied with water, at the desired temperature, simultaneously (subject to cold water pressure and to tap flow restrictions).
The controller with built in room temperature sensor can be connected to an outside temperature sensor to run in weather compensation mode and the user-friendly dials allow rapid adjustment of the heating and domestic hot water temperatures, with a digital display showing operating conditions and temperatures. Sensors adjust the cylinder burner automatically to ensure the preset temperature is adhered to, even when running a bath or a shower.
The hot water performance is equivalent to a separate installed 150 litre un-vented cylinder. The Vitodens 111-W delivers large amounts of hot water in next to no time.